English Cocker Spaniels
Nickel and Dimes

Nickel and Dimes Dutch Design 

Name: Oliver
Born:18 -09-2005
Father: Symbiosis Classic Design
Mother: N&D Forever Young

Optigen A
FN Clear/Normal

Bundesjugendsieger 2006


3x junior CC
Juniorwinner 06
Dutch juniorch.
3x CC


5 Months.

 Symbiosis Classic Design  ShCh
 Manchela Blue Lagoon
 Withiflor Otis Blue
 Alisma Andretty
 Whitiflor Venna Blue
 Manchela Candleglow  Sorbrook Bucks Fizz
 Manchela Midnight Diamond
 Symbiosis Soul Star  Ch.
 Shenmore Star Voyager
 Palacecraig Go West
 Shenmore Seeing Stars
 Symbiosis Star Attraction  Kendalwood Caduceus
 Symbiosis Standing Ovation
 Nickel and Dimes Forever Young  Alisma Highlander
 Luxemburg Junior Champion'98,  
 Belgian Ju
 Shelohn Surely Great of
 Palacecraig Vagabond
 Shelohn Northern Dancer
 Alisma Alhannah  Bitcon Troubadour
 Alisma Apollyanna
 Starshine  Kamp.
 Symbiosis Star Struck
 Shenmore Star Voyager
 Symbiosis Star Attraction
 Nickel and Dimes Lollipop  Stocdale Drive Me Crasy
 Nickel and Dimes Cotton Tail

Update 10-10-08.